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Blue Button Media
Local company offering affordable web solutions

Address :
PO Box 2796, Iver, Bucks, SL0 0ZR
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
01753 653188
01753 655059
Web site :


In today's marketplace having a web site is no longer a "nice to have" but is actually now an essential element for any business.

More and more people are using web sites for one or more of the following:

i) research products before buying and to compare prices
ii) research companies that they are considering buying from
iii) order products online (this is now a billion pound industry!)
iv) find out where companies are located and how to get to them

Even having a simple web page that just lets people know who you are and where you are can make a significant difference. Having an online shopping facility can obviously also provide an additional source of turnover. The web is no longer just a "geek's" paradise, it is a shopping tool which is being used more and more discerningly by ever growing numbers of people.

And remember, this is a shop or site that is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year providing you with a portal to the outside world even while you sleep!

Having a web site reassures potential customers that you are both "genuine" and "credible".

We can help you with all of the above in the same way we have helped The West Drayton Directory with this site. Our services include the following:

i) Domain purchasing and holding
ii) Web site design
iii) Web hosting
iv) incorporate streaming media on your site (in either realmedia or mp3 format)
v) e-commerce
vi) update your existing web site

and much more.

Contact us on 01753 653188 to discuss your requirements.




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