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Iver Flower Club
If you have an interest in flowers & flower arranging, come and join us!

Please remember to mention this site when contacting this club
Address :
St Lawrence Church Hall, Shepherds Close, (off Cowley High St.), Uxbridge, Middlesex
Days and Times:
We meet on the 4th Thursday of the Month (Doors open 7.30pm, meeting starts at 7.50pm)
Jackie Watson on 01753 653042
Visitors £4.00 per meeting, Members £25.00 per year
Web address:


If you are interested in flowers and flower arranging, we would love you to come and join us! You don't have to live in Iver, as we welcome anyone from the local area. Our membership already comprises people from all local areas and our meetings are well attended.

If you would like to see us before deciding to come along, we will have a stall at the Iver Carnival on 16th September 2006 (Evreham Centre), where there will be arrangements for sale and we will be giving flower arranging demonstrations.

Throughout the year we have a packed programme of demonstrations which are both entertaining and educational. The arrangements are raffled at the end of the evening, so you may even go home with a beautiful floral creation. Our club is a great way of meeting other people with an interest in all things floral, in a friendly and sociable environment, so why not pop along and join us!


28th September 2006
"Something Else" - Jane Belcher

26th October 2006
"Memories" - Ann Sinclair

23rd November 2006
"Magic and Sparkle" - Jane Haas

25th January 2007
"Diversity" - Pat King

22nd February 2007
"Full Spectrum" - Charmaine Grace-Woodham



Please remember to mention this site when contacting this club