Featured Advertisers
  “Advertising in the West Drayton Directory and on the website is one of the best business decisions I have ever made!I would recommend it to any new or established business that is looking for more customers”
Sheena’s Two Hair Salon

“Brilliant! The advertising hits just the right target audience. I have spent thousands of pounds advertising with the `big boys’, but not any more. This little magazine has delivered the best results by far”
Ivy Cook – Kleen Up Cleaners

“We’ve been advertising since day one and we know it works. People phone up or come in and say they’ve seen us in the magazine that they’ve had delivered through their door”
John Bowry – Brits Builders Merchants

“We have definitely had an increase in both sales and enquiries since advertising in the magazine and on the website. In fact, we’ve had 3 enquiries already this week from the website alone!

People who didn’t know we were here have come in and made reference to us being an `Aladdins Cave’ – exactly what we say in our ad. We’ve even had people come in asking if we have copies of the mag and how much are they to buy? For us personally, we can honestly say that this has been the most effective form of advertising that we have tried. We have placed ads in various local papers, but it has been the magazine that has brought us the local customers that we wanted. Also, working with Angela has really helped. She has constantly advised us on different things, given us personal attention, come in and taken photos and genuinely looks after our best interests."
Karen – The Pet Stop