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Richings Park Bowls Club
Meets daily and is always looking for new members

Please remember to mention this site when contacting this club
Address :
Richings Park Bowls Club, Richings Park Social Club, Wellesley Avenue, Richings Park, Bucks, SL0 9BN
Days and Times:
Friday night is club night and is probably the best night for your first visit, however, the club does actually meet daily at 6pm till dusk
Mr Burrows on 01753 651806 or Wendy on 01753 663032
Web address:


Bowling, despite the perception that it is mainly for older people is in fact a very sociable and enjoyable hobby enjoyed by people young and old.

We warmly welcome anyone from the age of 12 up and you don't have to live in the Iver area to come along. We welcome people from all around the local areas.

For new people looking to come along to see if they like it we would recommend coming along to one of our club nights on a Friday evening. We think you will quickly see how social bowling actually is, and gives you a great opportunity to meet new people.

During the course of the year we have many social events including Bar-B-Qs, dinner dance, going to rallies and much, much more.

Use of all the equipment is free of charge. The only thing you need to bring with you is either trainers or flat soled shoes.

Please contact us for more information and we hope to see you soon.




Please remember to mention this site when contacting this club