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Iver Heath Women's Institute
Regular social evenings in the local area

Please remember to mention this site when contacting this club

Address :
Iver Heath Village Hall
Days and Times:
Meet every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 2.30pm
Cathy on 01753 654417
Come alone as a visitor for the first couple of sessions free, thereafter there is a yearly subscription
Email address :


If you are interested in a social environment where you can enjoy the benefits of listening to various interesting speakers as well as getting involved in a mix of other social events then the Iver Heath Women's Institute could be just what you are looking for.

We meet every 2nd Tuesday of the Month at the Iver Heath Village Hall at 2.30pm.

During the course of the year there are many other activities that you can get involved in. An ideal way to meet new friendly people while at the same time broadening your knowledge and social circle.

The WI offers opportunities for all women to enjoy friendship, to learn to widen their horizons and together to influence local, national and international affairs, learn new skills and join in outings, activities or local community projects.



Please remember to mention this site when contacting this club